DR KENNETH WYNE MUTUMA is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya and the
Managing Partner at the firm of Wyne and Associates. Dr. Kenneth holds several
academic qualifications, including a Doctorate and Masters in Law from the University of
Cape Town as well as a law undergraduate degree from the University of Liverpool. He
is also a qualified Architect having graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural
Studies from the University of Nairobi. He possesses extensive leadership experience
and expertise in governance practice, ADR, and international law. His practice spans a
wide range of areas, including commercial law, commercial arbitration, construction
adjudication, mediation, litigation, conveyancing, corporate governance, refugee law,
human rights law, and employment law. Dr. Wyne is also a Certified Secretary, a
Certified Governance Auditor and an Institute of Certified Secretaries (ICS) Fellow.
He currently serves as a Council Member on the ICS Council and within the
various Committees. He is a governance and ethical leadership trainer under the State
Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC).
Dr Wyne is also a Chartered Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London),
a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators as well as a Certified Professional
Mediator. He is an active member of the following ADR bodies: the Chartered Institute
of Arbitrators (Kenya), the Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA), the
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Kigali International Arbitration Centre
(KIAC), the Dispute Resolution Panel of the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK),
and Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA). Dr Wyne is the current Vice-
Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya) Branch.
In addition to his responsibilities within the Firm, Dr Wyne finds fulfillment empowering
upcoming students of law through his work as an academic with several universities
including the University of Nairobi where he is currently a Senior Lecturer of Law
teaching, inter alia, ADR, corporate governance, public international law, international
relations, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law.
Dr. Wyne has extensive senior management experience across local and international
settings as well as practical knowledge of interdisciplinary issues. He has and continues
to serve as legal advisor to a range of international governments and corporate entities
working to address various developmental challenges. Part of his accomplishments
relate to the role he played as a regional legal advisor for the International Committee of
the Red Cross, his role as legal officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), his engagements with the South African National Assembly as a
legal coordinator and his work implementing a national capacity development
programme on behalf of the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Dr. Wyne has also contributed service to the wider society in various capacities,
including as: the Chairperson of the National Examinations Appeals Tribunal; the
National Representative to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA); as a member of
the Council to the Foreign Service Academy; Member of the Law Society of Kenya
(LSK) Advocates Disciplinary Tribunal; the immediate former Chairperson of the Cricket
Kenya Independent Election Panel; ad hoc Member of the Political Parties Disputes
Tribunal; in the Association of Professional Societies for East Africa (APSEA), where he
serves as a member of the Professional Development Committee; as the Vice Chair of
the Christian Professional Mediation Association of Kenya and as a member of the
National Committee on Implementation of IHL in Kenya.